Thank you for having taken a student from Université Côte d'Azur on an internship. Agreements are now dematerialized, from the declaration to the electronic signature.

Before you receive the signature request, the agreement is validated by a teacher and an education manager.

When the electronic signature procedure is launched, you will receive an e-mail from You Sign, our service provider for the certification of electronic signatures, and you have 24 hours before the identification procedure goes into restricted access (See below of page, the procedure for accessing an agreement if it has become restricted).

This e-mail contains a link inviting you to read and sign the agreement

Warning: if the link is not active, please copy and paste it into your browser.

  • Sender:
  • Subject: [] You have a document awaiting signature

Click on the link contained in your e-mail, you are then switched to "Yousign", a digital certification platform.

Click on "Start"

You will find the entire agreement to be signed with the information entered beforehand by the student.In order to be able to sign the agreement, you must read the entire agreement.

From then on, the sign button at the bottom right is activated and turns green.

Click on "Sign", a new page opens where you are invited to enter the code received by email, on your mobile by sms or by voicemail on a landline.

Enter your code, and choose between drawing your signature or leaving the text field as shown below. Swipe or hold the "Enter" key to sign.

Your agreement is digitally signed. The next signatory has just received an email inviting him to sign the internship agreement.

You will receive an email as soon as all the signatures of the agreement are made.

Restricted access identification procedure

For security reasons, as soon as 24 hours pass between the sending of the email and your identification, it becomes restricted.

To identify yourself, click on "request access"

You will then receive by email a code to be entered immediately after the request by clicking on the link in the email.