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Find the UCArts program !!!

Vie étudiante



It's back to school for UCArts, the Culture Department of  Côte d´Azur University, and we are pleased to present our 2021/2022 program to you today. You will find the entire offer on campus or in the rooms of our partners.

Three events arrive very quickly: the seasonal presentations dedicated to UCA at the National Theater in Nice (September 22) and at the Opera (October 5), as well as the Soundwich in Valrose Park on October 4 at 12:30 p.m.

It is also the resumption of the Choir and Jazz workshops as well as the start of the UCA Book Club. All the useful information, links to register, is available on our page dedicated to Culture at UCA.

To keep up to date with our news, follow us on social networks - Facebook and Instagram - and don't hesitate to ask us for your wishes and ideas at


See you soon on our events!

UCArts - Department of Culture

Côte d'Azur University

Student House, 5 avenue François Mitterrand, 06300 Nice

Phone 04 89 15 14 55

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